Atman, a trusted name in personal portable vaporizer, boost your love and your life.
Atman vaporizers UK is a leading innovative company that specializes in manufacturing premium high quality portable electronic vaporizers. Since 2009 Atman utilizes the latest technology, designs, attention to detail to insure both original designs and perfect performance to our customers.
Atman’s professional customer support team is knowledgeable in all aspects of our product line, no question or concern is too big or too small for our representatives. All products are covered by our 1 year limited warranty so customers can rest assured that every product is a good product.
At Atman, we listen to customers feedback and reviews to improve our products. With years of experience we know your business and customers needs. We have launched ourselves ahead of the competition and have revolutionized the Vaporizer industry!!
Since 2009, we have specialized in developing innovative vaporizers for dry herbs, wax, CBD, E-Grinders, and many other products that support retailers and producers in the marijuana industry.
We have the capacity to develop up to 10 new products every year for the US and European markets. We have a reputation for providing products on time and
We are also experts in wholesale, supplying over 200 vaping related products. Our products include traditional glass bong, silicone bongs, quartz bangers and
various accessories. Our product range allows retailers to maximize their profit margins.