American Medical Clinic

American Medical Clinic

The American Medicinal Marijuana Association, Michigan Chapter is enthusiastically dedicated to providing Educational and Informational Services to Medically Licensed Patients and Caregivers in Michigan…

About American Medical Clinic

The American Medicinal Marijuana Association, Michigan Chapter is enthusiastically dedicated to providing Educational and Informational Services to medicinally Licensed Michigan Department of Community Health Patients and Caregivers in the State of Michigan, under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act MCL 333.26421 Initiated Law 1, December 4th 2008.

O ur Association was founded on the belief that our Members’ American Constitutional Rights to Safety, Legality, Civil Rights, 4th Amendment Rights and MMM Act Knowledge and Freedoms are of the utmost and extreme importance, to the personal well being of our Members and their Families. Our entire Team is totally dedicated and committed to meeting our Medicinally Handicapped Patient Members personal needs and medicinal requirements through Pre-screened, Qualified, Experienced and Professionally Trained Licensed Caregivers.

W e advocate Medicinal Marihuana Patients by establishing Affiliated Compassion Centers in major Michigan Communities to provide Community Support, Research and Public Awareness of the Medicinal Benefits of Medical Marihuana. Our exclusive Learning Center and Orientation Program (LCOP) prepares Members to be Safe and Legal. We work Hand in Hand with our Members to insure they are Knowledgeable in all the complicated Rules and Regulations involved in the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. In addition to the State of Michigan’s Laws, there are also Federal Laws, with which, you must be Aware!

W e are a Grass Roots Community Social Group dedicated to sharing with our Members accurate and complete information. We cordially invite you to become a a part of American and Michigan History and become an Active Member Today! Become a part of We the People and help us promote our Guaranteed Inalienable Constitutional Rights in the Pursuit of Happiness without Tyranny and Oppression. There is strength in numbers and the MMMA Law was passed by 63% Majority of Michigan Registered Humanitarian Voters.

This is your Law, Use it or Lose it!

W e need your Vote and your participation to keep our Law alive. Some Senators and Congressmen want to hand over our Industry to Big Business Pharmaceutical Companies with only 10 Growers. Their goal is to Dispense Medicinal Marihuana Medication through Pharmacists and Drug Stores, taking control of your medicine away from patients and caregivers and escalating costs to patients. Because of the low number approximately 100,000 current Licensed MMMP Patients and Caregivers, we do not have the required 343,000 Petitioners to be heard on the Floor of the House and Senate Committees. We need your support.

T he MMMA Law was specifically written as a Public but Private Herbal Consultation endeavor by and between a Medically Licensed Patient by the MDCH, and a Licensed Caregiver by the MDCH for the Ill and Medically Challenged People of the Great State of Michigan. Lets not lose again to Big Business and continued Inflation which has Bankrupted Financial Institutions, Insurance Company’s, Wall Street, General Motors and many other Fortune 500 Corporations. If you are happy with the quadrupled Inflation over the last 50 years with close to the same wages, you can sit there. Should you want to help stop Inflation, bring the cost of Black Market Marijuana Down and join a Grass Roots effort to control the Laws, please come Join us, Now!We the People are supposed to Vote on the Laws of the Land under the Constitution of the United States of America.

Come Join Us Today and Help Make Michigan History.



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