Agro Tech America, LLC

PGT manufacturers and supplies a patented acceleration plant growing technology.

About Agro Tech America, LLC

Agro Tech America, LLC, located in Jupiter, Florida, is an industry leader in plant/crop growth technology.  The company has developed and patented proprietary technologies to more efficiently and effectively grow plants/crops and to help mitigate the challenges with water conservation, pollution caused by toxic chemical run-off/leaching, and insufficient food supplies, especially in underdeveloped countries.

The company’s products have been tested, submitted to Major University Research and patents are pending or allowed.   The products/technologies have demonstrated that their use makes it possible for plants and crops to flourish in even the most arid areas, with the ability to even make unarable land  productive.  Because of their ability to make more efficient use of not only water, but also fertilizer and disease fighting chemicals, the technologies are beneficial in all climatic conditions, including tropical regions, as confirmed by field trials in Indonesia.

The positive environmental impact Agro Tech America's products deliver is enormous.  Water savings of 50%-75%, and up to 75% reduction in fertilizer and disease fighting chemicals requirements, are possible.  Nutrient/chemical run-off/leaching is virtually eliminated.

The company is now conducting a series of field trials that will culminate with commercial level production.