A6 Wellness

A6 Wellness

I began my journey in the health and nutrition field in 2013. I am married with two children, Ashton & Archer. In 2012 Ashton received his 1 year vaccine regime, within 24 hours he was covered head to toe in a rash that kept getting worse, milk and oatmeal baths did nothing, calamine lotion prevented itching but, no real results on the rash. Ashton’s demeanor had changed, when we contacted the pediatrician we were told it is “normal” to get chicken-pox type reaction from the vaccines and it would work it’s self out within a week or so. They were right about the rash, but after that my Ashton was different. The following year and a half we struggled with erratic behaviors, vicious biting episodes which had others bleeding, and a definite change in our lives.
Hemp Products

About A6 Wellness

As the next year unfolded I began to have my own issues with my mental health, I was unhappy with the way I felt inside, I could not handle my own child, and I was battling with the look of my body as well. I went to my doctor and was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, I was told I need to see a psychiatrist to begin a regimen of Lithium and anticonvulsants to allow me to continue to mother my children. I did not follow thru with that. I began to research, how can I help my son and myself.

I found a Dr. who diagnosed Ashton in November 2013 with Asperger’s and started searching for all natural ways to help him. We found no luck with homeopathy, at one point at 4 Ashton told me he wanted to die, and that biting made him feel good so why didn’t it make others feel the same way? Nothing was working for him, he had to have an assistant with him at childcare, and I could never take my eyes off him in fear he would attack his younger brother.

In January 2014 after having two 9 pound boys and 30+ pounds overweight I decided to begin a workout plan to help relive stress and anxiety. I worked out at a high intensity gym and after 4 months I had no less stress, actually worse because, Ashton was hurting the children in the gym childcare. To top it off I had not lost a pound. I felt defeated and thought to myself I should begin the Dr. recommended medications, lithium and anticonvulsants, although, I was very scared and did not trust the American medical system so, I started searching the internet for natural, botanical ways to replace seizure medications and Lithium and kept running across raw hemp oil as a miracle for many.

During that summer my marriage was almost over and it was time for something to change. I had a close friend who started Health Coaching me in September using whole foods, supplements, teaching me about nutrient timing and a macro-balance. I also began to supplement Ashton and Archer. My first month I dropped 10 pounds, and have continued on to lose a total of 30 pounds. Gaining my self confidence back, using personal development to continue to strengthen my spirit, and did not need conventional medical treatments.

Currently Ashton is attending public elementary school integrated into a “normal” classroom. He participates in piano lessons, we work with an ABA specialist, and biting episodes are down to monthly – no longer daily. Ashton is considered extremely high functioning and it has been requested to take him for retesting.

Fast forward two years later and I am now full time Health Coaching, own Tatum Nutrition in Phoenix, AZ. Paying it forward by sharing my passion, love and knowledge with my community and beyond. Here’s to what the future holds.

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